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August 8, 2014

Bullseye! CDC Ebola Quarantine Map Lines Up Perfectly With Immigration Map – Why?

By Live Free or Die

This is an excellently done new video by Professor Doom1 that compares the newly released CDC ebola quarantine map with a map of where immigrants are now being shipped into America; the results are startling and as our videographer calls out, you must see it to believe it!

Why would the CDC be setting up all of these ebola quarantine centers in nearly the exact same locations that Barack Obama is now sending children (and adults) who are here illegally from south of the border? Check out the maps in the video; is this another sign that there is much more to the ebola/immigration equation than we are being told? Certainly it’s quite easy to see that where NO immigrants are being sent, there are NO ebola quarantine centers being set up! Why not?


Originally published at Before It's News

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