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December 4, 2014

America In The "Throes Of Full Scale Communist Revolution And Take-Over" - Fait Accompli!

By Susan Duclos


Below you will hear Steve Quayle on the Hagmann and Hagmann show where the topic of how we are watching World War III unfold right before our very eyes is discussed in detail, but it is at the start of the show where Steve Quayle hits it out of the park when he explains the words of David Rockefeller in 1991, where he thanks the MSM, Washington Post and new York Times and others for their "discretion" by not reporting the New World Order plans because without their discretion the agenda would have been dead in the water.

The exact David Rockefeller quote is as follows:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany

Quayle continues on to point out what many of us see happening to America when he states "We are in the throes of a full scale communist revolution and take-over."

Not only is the show below fascinating and informative, but it is critical to the very nature of the insidious evil we are facing in America today.


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