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August 11, 2014

WHO Warns "No End In Sight" -  Ebola Outbreak "Evolving In Alarming Ways" 

By Susan Duclos

A dire warning from the World Health Organization (WHO) as they issue their latest Ebola update on August 11, 2014, declaring that "The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in west Africa continues to evolve in alarming ways, with no immediate end in sight. Many barriers stand in the way of rapid containment."

Other key quotes which encompasses how critical the situation actually is, in terms of management, diagnostics, and containment.

• The recent surge in the number of cases has stretched all capacities to the breaking point. Supplies of personal protective equipment and disinfectants are inadequate. The outbreak continues to outstrip diagnostic capacity, delaying the confirmation or exclusion of cases and impeding contact tracing.

• Some treatment facilities are overflowing; all beds are occupied and patients are being turned away. Many facilities lack reliable supplies of electricity and running water. Aid organizations, including Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders), which has provided the mainstay of clinical care, are exhausted.

• Health-care staff fear for their lives. To date, more than 170 health-care workers have been infected and at least 81 have died.

• The incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days, but patients become contagious only after the onset of symptoms. As symptoms worsen, the ability to transmit the virus increases. As a result, patients are usually most likely to infect others at a severe stage of the disease, when they are visibly, and physically, too ill to travel.

This is what they are saying officially, but as shown in the video below,  the situation is even more dire than is being reported because there is no way to determine the actual death toll, which is "officially" nearing 1,000, because of unreported cases as the deadly virus continues to spread to surrounding countries.


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