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August 27, 2014

The Greatest Threat To America! Intel: Hundreds Of Americans Join ISIS - Open Borders And Ebola Bombs

By Susan Duclos

According to US senior officials, the US government has intelligence which shows that no less than 300 Americans are fighting alongside ISIS in Iraq and Syria and are prepared to use what they are learning to come back to the United States to commit attacks on US soil.

This information is being reported on the heels of multiple reports of an American by the name of Douglas McCain having been killed after leaving California to fly to Syria to join ISIS. According to these reports ISIS recruited McCain after he tweeted a message saying he had "reverted to Islam" earlier this year. 

Officials say concern is widespread in Washington that radicalized foreign fighters could return to the homeland and commit terrorist attacks with skills acquired overseas, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the information. Those concerns were heightened by the disclosure Tuesday that a California man was killed fighting alongside militants with the group, also known as ISIS.

We already know ISIS supporters/operatives are in the United States by the recent reports of photos published on the popular social media sharing platform Twitter, showing cell phone pictures of a Jihad flag taken right outside the White House and the Old Republic Building in Chicago IL, as well as a threat  about suicide bombing Charlotte North Carolina's largest shopping mall

The most concerning quote in the Washington Times article is the one shown below:

The threat of radical jihadists returning to the United States is “a new hazard” for the Department of Homeland Security, said retired Army Maj. Mike Lyons, a senior fellow with the Truman National Security Project and a CBS Radio News analyst. As a result, the department must plan for a future where the jihadists leave their Middle East battlefield and trickle back to America, he said.

“If these people have been identified, there needs to be a discussion with regard to how and when they are allowed back in the U.S.,” he said.

There is ample evidence that factions not of Mexican descent are already entering America through the porous southern borders, with claims from officials that ISIS also may have already entered the US through those same borders, so statements about "how and when" the Americans being tracked in Iraq and Syria are "allowed" back into the US, are disingenuous at best, a deliberate attempt to negate the dangers of the unprotected borders at worst. 

Adding to the deadly mix, in early August a Cambridge University disease expert, Dr. Peter Walsh, sent out a warning that terrorists could actually build a "dirty bomb," containing the Ebola virus, stating ""A bigger and more serious risk is that a group manages to harness the virus as a powder, then explodes it in a bomb in a highly populated area," Walsh told The Sun. "It could cause a large number of horrific deaths."

It has been made abundantly clear that the US is largely unprepared and ill-equipped to deal with even a minor pandemic, so with talk of Barack Obama working on amnesty by executive order, people need to realize the border issue, border control and security and amnesty for illegal immigrants, is not a political issue, but one vital to national security of America.


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